

英日字典: guinea_worm

The guinea_worm has 2 Senses.

  • guinea worm disease, dracunculiasis, guinea worm
  • a painful and debilitating infestation contracted by drinking stagnant water contaminated with Guinea worm larvae that can mature inside a human's abdomen until the worm emerges through a painful blister in the person's skin
  • 人の皮膚に生じる痛みのある水膨れを通して面に出てくるまで人間の腹部内で成熟するギニア虫を含んだ淀んだ水を飲むことにより病気にかかる、痛みを伴い、衰弱させる寄生

  • guinea worm, dracunculus medinensis
  • parasitic roundworm of India and Africa that lives in the abdomen or beneath the skin of humans and other vertebrates
  • 人間や他の脊椎動物の皮膚の下にすむインド・アフリカ産の寄生回虫

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